SeaFood Business

JUL 2012

SeaFood Business is the global trusted authority for seafood buyers and sellers. We are the seafood industry's leading trade magazine with more than 30 years of experience. Our coverage is based on the "business" of buying and selling seafood.

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Page 40 of 51

RESPONSIBILITY EASTERN FISH COMPANY At Eastern Fish Company, we know that maintaining a healthy aquatic environment is the basis of a healthy food supply. We support a wide range of efforts aimed at keeping our RFHDQV WKULYLQJ ZKLOH ÀQGLQJ EHWWHU ZD\V WR PDQDJH DQG KDUYHVW WKH ERXQW\ RI RXU VHDV Now more than ever, it is important to choose your suppliers and marketing partners based on their commitment not just to our industry, but to the environment as well. We partner with suppliers that implement and maintain BAP standards to assure industry stewardship. Where BAP standards do not apply, we work to source our product from only ZHOO PDQDJHG RU FHUWLÀHG ÀVKHULHV 6XVWDLQDELOLW\ FHUWLÀFDWLRQ DQG WUDFHDELOLW\ DUH WKH FRUQHUVWRQHV RI RXU HYHU\GD\ SURFHVV %HLQJ SDUW RI D JOREDO FRPPXQLW\ PHDQV GLVSOD\LQJ VRFLDO UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV WKDW PDNH D GLIIHUHQFH Eastern Fish Company Glenpointe Centre East, Suite 30 300 Frank W. Burr Blvd., Teaneck, NJ 07666 1-800-526-9066 HDVWHUQÀVK FRP

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